It's difficult to put into words what becoming a Scentsy consultant has done for me. As a full-time mother, full-time employed American, full-time wife...When would I have time to make friends?...When would I fit in any type of "fun"?
Well, that's where Scentsy filled in the gaps and completed my full circle! Being a Consultant means being part of a community - one with healthy doses of friendship, generosity and so much fun!
Whether you'd like extra income (who wouldn't?) or you're looking for a complete career change.... If you'd like to earn a trip to an exotic destination (I did in a just a few months!) or have a desire to lead a team of hundreds.... Whatever you're after, let Scentsy bring freedom to your life.
Scentsy has allowed me to build my business and live life on my terms. I'd love to talk to you about how being a Consultant has improved my life! It's time to work for what you want and love what you do!
This kit includes:
Classic Curve – Gloss Gray Warmer
Black Raspberry Vanilla Scentsy Bar Squeeze the Day Counter Clean
Luna Scent Circle
Fall/Winter 2021 Fragrance Tester Set Consultant Guide
Quick Start Guide
Product Training Guide Fall/Winter 2021 Catalogs (1 pack of 25) Spring/Summer 2021 Product Lists (1 pad of 50 sheets) Host/Join Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Order Forms (1 pack of 100)
This kit contains:
Classic Curve – Gloss Gray Warmer
Black Raspberry Vanilla Scentsy Bar
Mint Mini Fan Diffuser
Amazon Rain Scentsy Pods (1 pack of 2)
Clover the Cow Buddy Clip
Squeeze the Day Counter Clean
Aloe Water & Cucumber Hand Soap
Luna Scent Circle
Sample Bundle (Laundry, Body, Clean and Pets)
Classic Curve Felt Samples
Fall/Winter 2021 Fragrance Tester Set
Consultant Guide
Quick Start Guide
Product Training Guide
Fall/Winter 2021 Catalogs (1 pack of 25)
Fall/Winter 2021 Product Lists (1 pad of 50 sheets)
Body Product Category Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Clean Product Category Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Fragrance Systems Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Laundry Product Category Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Pets Product Category Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Host/Join Brochures (1 pack of 25)
Order Forms (1 pack of 100)
Invitation Postcards (1 pack of 100)
Thank You Postcards (1 pack of 100)
Merchandise Sacks
Mini Zip Sacks
Starter Kit Exclusive Insulated Tote